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圣邦微电子(北京)股份有限公司(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)(以下简称“圣邦股份”)是一家专注于高性能、高品质模拟集成电路研发和销售的半导体公司。(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份的通用模拟IC产品性能优良、品质卓越,可广泛应用于智能手机、PAD、数字电视、DVD、数码相机、笔记本电脑、可穿戴式设备、各种消费类电子产品以及车载电子、工业控制、医疗设备、测试仪表等众多领域。

(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份的技术团队由行业资深专家组成,拥有先进的模拟集成电路设计、工艺、生产、测试及可靠性技术和丰富的质量管理经验;(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份产品的性能和品质达到国际一流厂商同类产品的先进水平,部分产品性能更胜一筹。

(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份历来重视研发投入,雄厚的技术实力使得圣邦股份自主研发并成功面市的产品迅速增加,公司已有800余款产品,全部符合欧盟RoHS标准以及绿色环保标准,例如500MHz高速运算放大器、高精度运算放大器、工作电流300nA超低功耗比较器、50MHz超低噪声运算放大器、500mA高精度低功耗低噪声LDO、0.4Ω模拟开关、电源监测电路、6阶视频滤波器、1:500大动态背光LED驱动、2A双闪光灯LED驱动、高效低功耗DC/DC转换器、锂电池充电及保护管理芯片、负载开关、电平转换芯片等。(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)在AD/DA、新能源电池管理、新能源汽车、第三代半导体功率器件驱动等高端模拟芯片相关领域着力进行研发,相关新品也陆续推向市场。2017年还将继续重锤推出一系列信号链及电源管理类模拟IC新品。

(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份自成立之初就建立了先进的品质保证体系,秉承技术先进、质量可靠、顾客满意、持续改进的品质管理方针,遵循严格的质量管理规范,确保每一颗芯片产品均具备完美品质。

展望未来,(SG Micro Corp / SGMICRO)圣邦股份愿以市场为导向、以创新为驱动、以服务客户为目标,坚持自主创新,不断开发更高性能的模拟集成电路技术,推出在性能、功耗、可靠性等方面具有国际领先水平,在品质、性价比、技术支持等方面具备较强国际竞争力及良好产业化前景的新一代模拟IC产品,百尺竿头更进一步,努力成为世界模拟芯片行业的领跑者。

SG Micro Corp (SGMICRO) specializes in high performance, high quality analog IC design,  marketing and sales. SGMICRO’s products have been widely used in cell phone, television, DVD player, digital camera, notebook computer, consumer electronics, automobile electronics, industrial automation, medical device, LCD display, etc.

SGMICRO’s experienced analog IC design team is the key to company’s success. The multinational design team consists of analog IC design experts with 20+ years of experience in IC design, layout, process, assembly, test and quality control. SGMICRO’s design expertise and continuous investments in R&D assure the performance and quality of its products match or exceed those of the world’s top analog IC suppliers.

Benefited from years of heavy investments in R&D and superior design expertise and capabilities, SGMICRO has introduced more than 600 analog IC products (all lead-free/RoHS and Green compliant) with high performance, high quality and excellent reliability, including 1.5GHz high-speed OPA, 500MHz low-noise OPA, high precision OPA, 300nA ultra-low power comparator, 50MHz low-noise OPA, 300mA low-power/low-noise LDO, 0.4Ω analog switch, microprocessor supervisory circuits, video buffers, white LED drivers, high-efficiency DC/DC converters, Li-Ion battery chargers, etc. SGMICRO will continue to introduce more high performance analog IC products for portable devices, communications, industrial and consumer electronics.

Through stringent execution of its advanced, reliable, and continuously improving QA system and policy, SGMICRO assures each chip it produced of excellent quality and reliability.

SGMICRO pursues the leading position in analog IC industry with advanced design, superior performance and excellent quality.

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